NYPD Swears in “the most diverse” 678 New Officers

h. nazan ışık—

9 October 2015—

678 new recruits were waiting for Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner Bill Bratton to start the NYPD swearing-in ceremony at the Police Academy on 8 October in New York.

all 678 recruits waiting Mayor de Blasio to open the NYPD Swearing-in ceremony at the Police academy

678 of them were sitting the same way, hands resting on the knees, all in the same posture, not talking to, not looking at each other. They looked almost motionless.

As Mayor Bill de Blasio, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton and others enter the room.

One officer (shouted): Atten-hut! Ready! Move!

All got up at the same time, as if they were only one person. And sat down at the same time.

Mayor de Blasio: “Recruits, I want to tell you it is an honor to be here with you this morning – 678 of you joining the finest police force in this nation, the finest police force on this earth.”

Mayor de Blasio addressing the 678 police officers to be at the swern in ceremony

 While Mayor Bill de Blasio addressing the 678 new police officers, everybody was listening like one ear.

And he continued:” For over 20 years, the NYPD has made this city safer and safer.[…] Progress is being made each and every day, but it takes new blood, it takes new talent to take that and make it even greater, and that’s where you come in, and we are very proud of you and very appreciative that you have made this decision to protect and to serve the people of New York City.”

Mayor de Blasio talked more about how the crime rate went down, how and why the NYPD was a winning team, how good the new training method would be, and how important it was to have a good relationship with communities.“So you will be trained in the newest approaches, in the most modern approach to policing, you will be trained in the most sophisticated way to really achieve neighborhood policing that full connection between neighborhood and police.” said de Blasio.

And warned them too, about to expect the unexpected.

“People respect and admire each and every one of you for stepping up, and being ready to protect people no matter what’s thrown at you – and you know about New York City. The one thing you can expect each and every day out on those streets, the one thing you can expect is the unexpected. But you know that. And you’re ready for that.

Tough job, yes, but one of the most gratifying, because you will always see the fruits of your labor.” de Blasio said.

And continued: “Keep this city safe. Help us make it safer. Be an example of a simple concept – safer streets through stronger bonds. Safer streets through stronger bonds between police community makes all the sense in the world, but you will be the ones to prove it’s so possible, and we’re going to reach it.

With that, it is my distinct honor to now issue to you the Oath of Office”

Same officer shouted as he did at the beginning of the ceremony: “Atten-hut!”   “Ready! Move!”

All got up. Right hands were raised. Ready to take the oath.

678 new police oficers to be at the swear in ceremony

All repeated after Mayor de Blasio.

“Congratulations, recruits, and God bless you all.” Mayor ended the ceremony.

They were the first almost 1,300 additional officers, authorized this year by Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“This class is one of the most diverse in the history of New York City. Recruits in this class hail from 36 different countries and speak 22 different languages” said de Blasio.

This new class is 32 percent Hispanic, nearly 10 percent Asian, 13 percent African American. And 20 percent is female.

And they were about to begin six months of training at the new academy.


© h. nazan ışık

Photos © h. nazan ışık