Lou Reed, Laurie Anderson, and the Dog Show!

h. nazan ışık—

Nov 27, 2013 —

The dog was on Laurie Anderson’s lap during an interview on the Charlie Rose show; that’s what caught my attention.

After I’ve heard about the death of Lou Reed, I wanted to learn more about his music, his songs, his life, and about the interviews he gave over the years.  I found a video on YouTube.  It is titled “Laurie Anderson and Lou Reed interviewed by Charlie Rose (2003)”

After they were introduced,  Charlie Rose looked at the dog on Laurie Anderson’s lap and asked: “Who is this, that you brought with you, my dear?”  Lou Reed told the dog’s name and Laurie Anderson continued naming the breed name.  The dog was sitting almost on the table as if it was being interviewed.

 In the interview they talked about Lou Reed’s new album called “NYC Man: Lou Reed. The Collection”. Then about Andy Warhol, and Warhol’s influence on them, and how Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson met….

 This was all very interesting, but what caught my attention was the dog, and how warmly Mr. Reed was looking at Laurie Anderson. He was affectionate, and was caressing her from time to time.

 Actually the dog reminded me an image I took at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 2012.

© h. nazan ışık. All Rights Reserved

Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson at The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 2012.

Flashback of the moment I shot their photograph, I was standing in an aisle between showing rings, and looking around.  Then I heard two people talking next to me, I  turned towards the sound, and there they were! Lou Reed and Laurie Anderson talking about the dogs on the showing ring. Anderson had her beautiful, signature smile on her face, however he looked more serious and concentrated.

While they were enjoying the show, not even one person paid attention to them. I don’t even know if anyone noticed that she/he was standing next to two very famous multi talented musicians.  I took only one picture of them standing by the ring, and continued my way to cover the other events at the dog show..

Later I went to see the Junior Showmanship competition, which I was always fond of the Junior Handlers and found them were very interesting to watch.


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 Lou Reed at The Westminster Dog Show, 2012.

 I saw Lou Reed at the second time there. He was enjoying Junior Handlers with a very warm smile in his eyes.

Remembering the interview on the Charlie Rose show that I mentioned, Charlie Rose asked Laurie Anderson: “Tell me what it is about him; there is giving him such a longevity in your judgment, is it this poetry that you said?”

Laurie Anderson answered, “I think it is the ability to tell the truth really, and not just going to be decorative. Lou’s songs are so direct and kind of shocking.  They don’t use metaphors in ways, they just kind of, say things, and in a very plain, and very starkly, and very beautiful way.”

Based on Anderson’s commends I thought she was right:  His songs were telling the truth like his eyes were reflecting his feeling while he was watching the young handlers at the dog show for Juniors.

I started going through my pictures, and found another picture I had taken.  It was taken in 2006, at Lou Reed’s book signing event at the Museum of the International Center of Photography (ICP).

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 Lou Reed at ICP signing his book, 2006.

At this time Mr. Reed was smiling, and talking to people who bought his book as he was signing it.  He was gentle.

At one point Laurie Anderson with her warm smile entered the lobby. It was impossible not to notice the sparkling eyes of Mr. Reed when he looked at her,  just in the interview by Charlie Rose.

It is very hard to believe that it’s been a month that Lou Reed passed away.  We will miss him, but luckily, we have his vast collection of music.

Photos © h. nazan ışık /NKENdiKEN  All rights reserved

© h. nazan ışık / NKENdiKEN